Top Stories, Summarized

User Research Guide: Process, Methods, Tools

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Today's marketplace is no longer local but global. The competition is fierce and has gotten very sophisticated. If you are going to succeed in the global economy you have to do your homework. User research is crucial for understanding the needs,...

UX Design Is Rapidly Changing — Can You Keep Up?

ARTICLE SUMMARY: UX design was introduced to help companies solve problems creatively. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence UX Design has become frightening and exciting at the same time. What makes it exciting is that UX design is a dynamic field that's always...

Decoding Typography: Unveiling the Art and Science

ARTICLE SUMMARY: It's been said before, you can never learn enough about type. The more we understand type the more we can take advantage it's power of communication and persuasion to our designs. The study of typography spans centuries of development and innovation...

The Latest

User Research Guide: Process, Methods, Tools

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Today's marketplace is no longer local but global. The competition is fierce and has gotten very sophisticated. If you are going to succeed in the global economy you have to do your homework. User research is crucial for understanding the needs,...

UX Design Is Rapidly Changing — Can You Keep Up?

ARTICLE SUMMARY: UX design was introduced to help companies solve problems creatively. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence UX Design has become frightening and exciting at the same time. What makes it exciting is that UX design is a dynamic field that's always...

User Research Guide: Process, Methods, Tools

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Today's marketplace is no longer local but global. The competition is fierce and has gotten very sophisticated. If you are going to succeed in the global economy you have to do your homework. User research is crucial for understanding the needs,...

UX Design Is Rapidly Changing — Can You Keep Up?

ARTICLE SUMMARY: UX design was introduced to help companies solve problems creatively. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence UX Design has become frightening and exciting at the same time. What makes it exciting is that UX design is a dynamic field that's always...

Decoding Typography: Unveiling the Art and Science

ARTICLE SUMMARY: It's been said before, you can never learn enough about type. The more we understand type the more we can take advantage it's power of communication and persuasion to our designs. The study of typography spans centuries of development and innovation...

How Schooling Systems Put A Stranglehold On Your Creativity 

ARTICLE SUMMARY: While education is a must, especially in this day and age, we need to be aware how educational systems can damage your creative thinking. School systems were designed with the good intention of educating and preparing students for life, but have...

Is ‘Systems Thinking’ the new buzzword in UX?

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Systems thinking has certainly gained increased attention within the UX (user experience) and design communities, but it's not just a passing buzzword. While UX design traditionally focused on individual interactions and interfaces, systems thinking...

Control your vertigo — defending design decisions

ARTICLE SUMMARY: How many meetings have designers been in with non designers that ended up in arguments over concepts that resulted in a lot of wasted time and bruised egos. You end up leaving the meeting determined not to resolve the argument but to win it. That's...

10 Facts About Color in Design

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Designers know that when it comes to color there's a lot more power there than meets the eye. For attracting the user's attention color is a critical tool for conveying messages and emotions in design. Nothing says "look at me" than well-chosen color...

How to Conduct User Interviews

ARTICLE SUMMARY: There is a lot to design these days, the old "let's throw it against the wall and see what sticks" does not work in the digital economy. Companies are spending a lot of money to stay competitive in the global marketplace. To do that designers need to...

The creatives’ guide to finding happiness

ARTICLE SUMMARY: The importance of your mental health is an understatement. It's a tough world out there, especially if you're a creative. Between the deadlines we have, the pressure of continually having to produce innovative solutions day in and day out with a dose...

From UX to Growth Design: 5 principles to multiply your value

ARTICLE SUMMARY: As design evolves to Growth Design designers need to evolve with it or risk being left behind. In this time of economic uncertainty designers need to make customers happy and help their business grow, no easy task. We need to transition from UX (User...

User Research Guide: Process, Methods, Tools

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Today's marketplace is no longer local but global. The competition is fierce and has gotten very sophisticated. If you are going to succeed in the global economy you have to do your homework. User research is crucial for understanding the needs,...

UX Design Is Rapidly Changing — Can You Keep Up?

ARTICLE SUMMARY: UX design was introduced to help companies solve problems creatively. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence UX Design has become frightening and exciting at the same time. What makes it exciting is that UX design is a dynamic field that's always...

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Graphic Design

Decoding Typography: Unveiling the Art and Science

ARTICLE SUMMARY: It's been said before, you can never learn enough about type. The more we understand type the more we can take advantage it's power of communication and persuasion to our designs. The study of typography spans centuries of development and innovation...

How Schooling Systems Put A Stranglehold On Your Creativity 

ARTICLE SUMMARY: While education is a must, especially in this day and age, we need to be aware how educational systems can damage your creative thinking. School systems were designed with the good intention of educating and preparing students for life, but have...

Control your vertigo — defending design decisions

ARTICLE SUMMARY: How many meetings have designers been in with non designers that ended up in arguments over concepts that resulted in a lot of wasted time and bruised egos. You end up leaving the meeting determined not to resolve the argument but to win it. That's...

10 Facts About Color in Design

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Designers know that when it comes to color there's a lot more power there than meets the eye. For attracting the user's attention color is a critical tool for conveying messages and emotions in design. Nothing says "look at me" than well-chosen color...

12 Laws of UX: Designing with Principles for User Delight

ARTICLE SUMMARY: It's been said that the more things change, the more they stay the same. As design progresses we see changes in how things are done and trends that are always in the state of flux, what's a designer to do. As designers we need to create effective,...

The art of unlearning

ARTICLE SUMMARY: It's no secret that kids have a bigger imagination than adults. They are clean slates with nothing clouding up their thoughts that come from aging. Kids have no preconceived notions or beliefs hindering their thought processes, not like adults who for...

Decoding Typography: Unveiling the Art and Science

ARTICLE SUMMARY: It's been said before, you can never learn enough about type. The more we understand type the more we can take advantage it's power of communication and persuasion to our designs. The study of typography spans centuries of development and innovation...

How Schooling Systems Put A Stranglehold On Your Creativity 

ARTICLE SUMMARY: While education is a must, especially in this day and age, we need to be aware how educational systems can damage your creative thinking. School systems were designed with the good intention of educating and preparing students for life, but have...

Decoding Typography: Unveiling the Art and Science

ARTICLE SUMMARY: It's been said before, you can never learn enough about type. The more we understand type the more we can take advantage it's power of communication and persuasion to our designs. The study of typography spans centuries of development and innovation...

Exploring the Impact of Colors and Typography

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Oscar Wilde once said "presentation is everything." There is power in words, especially if you know how to "present" them. Colors and typography play a crucial role in readability and user experience (UX) in design, they can influence how users...

9 Rules for Good Typography in Web Design

ARTICLE SUMMARY: When it comes to web design nothing is more important than typography, it is key to good communication, maintaining brand identity, convey emotions and set the tone for the content across various communication mediums. Good typography is essential in...

Why are we so fascinated by letters?

ARTICLE SUMMARY: We love type, there's no denying it. It does not matter if you're a designer, bus driver or bar tender, typography has a pervasive influence on our lives and its impact goes beyond the conscious awareness of many people. Maybe it's the art and...

User Research Guide: Process, Methods, Tools

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Today's marketplace is no longer local but global. The competition is fierce and has gotten very sophisticated. If you are going to succeed in the global economy you have to do your homework. User research is crucial for understanding the needs,...

Is ‘Systems Thinking’ the new buzzword in UX?

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Systems thinking has certainly gained increased attention within the UX (user experience) and design communities, but it's not just a passing buzzword. While UX design traditionally focused on individual interactions and interfaces, systems thinking...

Control your vertigo — defending design decisions

ARTICLE SUMMARY: How many meetings have designers been in with non designers that ended up in arguments over concepts that resulted in a lot of wasted time and bruised egos. You end up leaving the meeting determined not to resolve the argument but to win it. That's...

The Cloud Marketing Mantra

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Trust in traditional institutions has taken a nose dive in recent years. Does not matter if it's the government, media, corporations or advertising in general, they all took a the credibility department. Marketing has been radically changed...

Homepage Design: 5 Fundamental Principles

ARTICLE SUMMARY: The homepage is the most important page of any website. It is the first and possibly the last chance to get and hold the visitors attention. Designing a homepage involves balancing aesthetics, functionality, and user experience in an effort to guide...

Why A Popcorn Icon Paid To Name His Company After Him

SUMMARY: Orville Redenbacher's Popcorn is known the world over and loved by all popcorn aficionados. But that didn't happen overnight. The story of Orville Redenbacher and his popcorn is a fascinating one starting around 1951 with his partner Charlie Bowman and how...

Web design. How to present your work

ARTICLE SUMMARY: You have spent a significant amount of time and money on a design the you know is going to put your client's website on the preverbal map. Now comes the hard part, presentation. Design, whether it's web design, graphic design, or any other form of...

9 Rules for Good Typography in Web Design

ARTICLE SUMMARY: When it comes to web design nothing is more important than typography, it is key to good communication, maintaining brand identity, convey emotions and set the tone for the content across various communication mediums. Good typography is essential in...

The 1930s: we can learn from vintage advertising

ARTICLE SUMMARY: It is believed that writer and philosopher George Santayana originally wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”, sometimes that's not always a bad thing. Take the 1930s, the economic challenges of the Great Depression,...

The Do’s and Don’ts of Mobile Design

ARTICLE SUMMARY: We love our smart phones, they are portable, they hold a boatload of information, it gives us access to the internet and are a lot lighter than a desktop or the laptop computer your toting around. The goal of designer is to design the best possible...

User Research Guide: Process, Methods, Tools

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Today's marketplace is no longer local but global. The competition is fierce and has gotten very sophisticated. If you are going to succeed in the global economy you have to do your homework. User research is crucial for understanding the needs,...

Is ‘Systems Thinking’ the new buzzword in UX?

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Systems thinking has certainly gained increased attention within the UX (user experience) and design communities, but it's not just a passing buzzword. While UX design traditionally focused on individual interactions and interfaces, systems thinking...

Control your vertigo — defending design decisions

ARTICLE SUMMARY: How many meetings have designers been in with non designers that ended up in arguments over concepts that resulted in a lot of wasted time and bruised egos. You end up leaving the meeting determined not to resolve the argument but to win it. That's...