ARTICLE SUMMARY: It happens, you have a design project your working on and somewhere along the way you lost direction and find yourself with a case of “time sink”, your caught up in work that really doesn’t move the needle, a wasted effort.

You find yourself working harder, not smarter. Whether you’re working on tasks that belong later in the process or endlessly refining an idea without a clear way to evaluate its impact, ultimately you’re wasting precious time.

6 ways designers waste time (and what to do instead)” from the UX Survival Guide looks into this issue and helps designers to avoid this problem. Some of their suggestions include

  • Doing Activities with No Clear Purpose
  • Ignoring Existing Solutions and Starting from Scratch
  • Designing in a Silo Without Stakeholder Input

Designers need to be careful, constantly switching between different design tools, trying out new plugins, or relying on overly complex workflows can slow down productivity instead of enhancing it. Stick to a core set of tools that work for your process, master them, and avoid distractions from every new trend unless it truly adds value.

Jumping straight into design without understanding user needs, business goals, or competitors can lead to misguided solutions. This results in unnecessary revisions when issues arise later. It pays to spend time gathering insights through user research, stakeholder interviews, and competitive analysis before diving into design work.

This article concludes by reminding us “Great design goes beyond aesthetics—it’s about efficiency, collaboration, and impact. The best designers prioritize effectively, align early, and stay outcome-focused. By eliminating these common time-wasters, you’ll streamline your workflow, build trust, and enhance your influence within your team.”

This is a great article for both new and seasoned designers, let us know what you think in the comments.