Author: Rebekah Freeman

Good typography is good for your eyes and science is here to prove it

Kevin Larson, the psychologist of the Advanced Reading Technologies team at Microsoft in Richmond, is determined to improve the onscreen typography. Larson and his team of typographers and computer engineers are testing ways to reduce eye fatigue by designing fonts easier to read and exploring ways to improve reader’s experience for people with visual impairments.

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Building Brands With A Two-Way Conversation

In 1975, a researcher named Steven Sasson, working in a lab at Eastman Kodak, built the first digital camera. Sasson’s vision was clear. He saw the potential: in fifteen to twenty years the technology would be ready to compete against film. But Kodak executives never got behind it. In the years that followed, digital photography blossomed, but Kodak did not—or could not— respond. Digital camera sales overtook film cameras by 2004. Kodak declared bankruptcy in 2012.

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