ARTICLE SUMMARY: Every company has a target audience that designers aim to please and to keep them glued to their website. There is a lot of emphasis on analyzing market studies and data sheets and anything else that may help you hit that sweet spot in your design that will put you out there ahead of your competitors.

While it’s nice to narrow down your target audience to a specific user type, designers need to broaden the horizon and go after the outliers, the ones who hover around the fringe peaking at your site once in a while. You need to give them a good reason to do more than casually check out your website.

Designing on the spectrum: A guide to “extreme” UX design” by Cristian Ghita looks at why we should consider designing for the “extreme” user and not just the “normal” user. Cristian gives you solid reasons on

  • Why Design for Extremes
  • How to Design for Extremes
  • Practical Examples of Designing for Extremes

By focusing on extremes, designers ensure they’re not marginalizing people whose needs are often ignored in favor of a hypothetical “average” user. This results in products that include everyone, creating equitable experiences across different abilities and contexts. Solutions developed for extreme users often simplify and enhance experiences for everyone.

Extreme users often represent niche markets that are underserved, offering untapped business potential. When you design for their needs, you can differentiate your product while broadening its appeal to adjacent audiences. Designing for extreme users fosters empathy, encouraging teams to think beyond their own biases and assumptions. This leads to products that resonate deeply with a wider range of users and builds trust and loyalty.

Cristian concludes his article by reminding us, “Designing for extremes isn’t just about accessibility — it’s about creating designs that work for everyone. By addressing the unique needs of those at the edges of key spectrums, you’ll craft products that are not only inclusive but also innovative, insightful, and impactful.”

This is a great article and well worth reading, let us know what you think in the comments.