ARTICLE SUMMARY: It does not matter what business you are in, as a leader at some point in your career you will have to make decisions based on limited information. In design not only will you have limited information you will also have to deal with rapidly changing information complicating that decision ever further.

Making decisions when you don’t have all the information is not only inevitable but also essential in many real-world scenarios. You need to be prepared when the time comes to step up to the plate, being a leader is not for the faint of heart. You need to be prepared for the challenge.

Melissa DePuydt’s “How to Make Better Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Information” will, through her personal experience help you rise to the challenge when that situation happens. She talks about

  • Adopting a Journalist’s Mindset
  • Prepare for What’s Likely to Occur
  • It’s Okay to Be Wrong

Many opportunities are time-sensitive. Waiting for complete information often means the window to act closes. Acting with imperfect information allows you to seize opportunities while they are available.

Constantly weighing choices can lead to decision fatigue. When information is limited, plan for different possible outcomes. Having backup plans or “what-if” scenarios prepared can make you more confident in moving forward, even with incomplete data.

Melissa tells us, “The good news is, when we commit early, the stakes are much lower. When we start making decisions more quickly, we reduce the impact of being wrong and give ourselves freedom to course correct if needed.”

This is a great article with a lot of useful information to help sharpen your leadership skills no matter what business you’re in.

Let us know what you think in the comments.