ARTICLE SUMMARY: If there is one constant in design it’s that design is always in the state of flux. If you think about it design has undergone significant changes from the 1970s to the present, influenced by technological advancements, cultural shifts, and evolving aesthetics.

Enter Artificial Intelligence, turning design upside down and catching a lot of designers by surprise. It’s like the science fiction of yesterday has come to life today. Truly scary stuff when you think about it, but it doesn’t have to be.

The End of Design?” by Michal Malewicz is a provocative concept that can be interpreted in various ways depending on the context. Some of the his talking points are

  • What is a designer?
  • FOBAR = fear of being AI Replaced
  • Designer of the future

Who could have dreamed that one day you could simply type what you want into a box and get it almost instantly. With the rise of AI and machine learning, many traditional design tasks can now be automated. AI tools can generate design options, optimize layouts, and even create artwork, leading to questions about the future role of human designers.

The designer of the future is a generalist with strong skills in fields such as technology, science, and social sciences, creating new hybrid practices that go beyond traditional design. But the main skill will be having a very high confidence in their design decisions. It’s the ability to lead on a project and to stand by what you think the team should do.

In closing Michal Malewicz warns us “In the next wave of design, a lot of lazy people will be replaced. But that ability to take action without being afraid is going to be in higher demand than ever.”

This article is well worth reading by all designers, Let us know what you think in the comments.