ARTICLE SUMMARY: In any business when it comes to marketing you need to know your target audience. It’s one thing if you’re like a department store with an overabundance of products, the scattergun approach to marketing works. If you’re not a department store then you need to develop a strategy on how to present your limited product and to who.

Narrowing your target audience can be an effective strategy for growing your brand. By focusing on a specific segment of the market, you can tailor your marketing efforts to meet the unique needs and preferences of that group, which can lead to higher engagement, better customer loyalty, and ultimately, more significant growth.

To grow your brand, narrow your audience target” by Michelle Wiles is a discussion why designing for a wide range of potential customers instead of targeting just your niche audience could be a mistake. She looks at

  • The tip of the spear targeting strategy
  • Finding your tip of the spear customer
  • Benefits of Narrowing Your Audience Target

You need to look at your existing customers to identify common traits and preferences. This can help you understand who is already interested in your brand and why. Craft your messaging, content, and campaigns to resonate with your narrowed audience by using language, visuals, and channels that appeal specifically to them.

Higher engagement with your target audience will produce what all brands crave, increased loyalty. As a result of your more efficient use of marketing resources focused on the most promising prospects you will also see a better ROI. That’s what’s known as a bonus.

This article is well worth the read, let us know what you think in the comments.