ARTICLE SUMMAR: How many designers have actually sat down one day and started pondering what they think their design philosophy is, then realized it’s a more complex question then they anticipated.
If you think long enough you may realize that having a design philosophy is crucial because it acts as a guiding framework for your creative process, ensuring consistency, purpose, and alignment with the needs of users and stakeholders.
“What is Your Design Philosophy?” by Jesse Weaver is a good look at his design philosophy and how he developed and arrived at his philosophy. He talks about
- Design must be rooted in reality
- Design is never perfect
- Design is a set of tools, not a standardized process
It’s important to have a design philosophy that defines what you stand for and what principles guide your decisions. This focus prevents you from being swayed by trends or opinions that may not align with your goals or the user’s needs.
When teams work together, a shared philosophy ensures everyone follows the same foundational principles. This consistency improves the user experience and strengthens your brand identity.
A solid design philosophy makes your work intentional, scalable, and impactful. It reminds you why you design, serving as a source of inspiration and a tool to articulate your vision to others, from clients to designers to collaborators.
This article inspiring and well worth the read.
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