ARTICLE SUMMARY: It’s a rough economy out there and seems to be getting rougher. It is a daunting task to take any small brand and break into and grab some of the market share the big brands enjoy. Especially in this economic landscape.

Growing a small brand involves a mix of strategic marketing, customer engagement, and scaling operations without compromising quality or authenticity. Not an easy thing to accomplish, but it is doable.

How To Grow Small Brands” by Pedro Porto Alegre takes a look at the challenge and gives you a strategy that help you achieve that goal. To help give you a road map to success topics discussed are

  • The Realities of Being A Small Fish
  • Going After Goliath
  • Patience Is A Virtue

You have to figure out what sets your brand apart from your competitors. Identify this clearly and communicate it in all marketing channels. Share your brand’s story, mission, and values to connect emotionally with customers.

Narrow your focus, rather than trying to appeal to everyone, focus on a specific segment and become the go-to brand for that group. Choose platforms your audience frequents, and use these channels to interact with them through stories, live streams, and polls.

This is a great article with a lot of helpful information.

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