ARTICLE SUMMARY: UX design is not for the faint of heart, sure, a lot of projects go along without a hitch and probably more than you care to admit don’t. The more people involved in your project the more problems, the more problems the more battles you face over a myriad of design issues.

Choosing which battles to fight as a designer is crucial because design resources—time, energy, and influence are finite. Picking your battles ensures you’re focusing on the changes that will make the most impact while maintaining strong relationships with stakeholders and team members.

How to choose which battle to fight as a designer” by Tim Chan looks at this issue and gives you a roadmap on how to pick your battles and win. Some of these steps include knowing

  • Rules of engagement
  • When to engage & effort to spend
  • How to engage effectively

Not all design issues are equally important. Some decisions will significantly impact the user experience or business outcomes, while others are less critical. Prioritizing ensures you’re addressing problems that create the most value.

Designers need to think ahead realizing that choosing which battles to fight as a designer requires strategic thinking, empathy, and a clear understanding of priorities. Constantly fighting for every detail can lead to exhaustion and frustration, especially in collaborative environments where compromise is necessary. Selective engagement helps conserve energy for high-stakes challenges.

This article will give you, the designer the tools you need to strategically pick your battles and help you deliver what you promised.

This is a great article well worth the read, let us know what you think in the comments.