ARTICLE SUMMARY: When it comes to our work sometimes we develop tunnel vision and bristle at the thought of someone looking at it with a critical eye. When this happens it’s time for an attitude readjustment and realize there’s an upside to having your work critiqued.

The Art of Embracing Critique: A Designer’s Secret to Growth” by Ridaghaffar is a dive into why we should welcome any look into our work and realize there are big benefits to this. Some of them being able to

  • Develop a Growth Mindset
  • Separate Your Work from Your Identity
  • Create a Safe Feedback Environment

Embracing critique is a powerful tool in a designer’s journey. It enables continuous learning, encourages collaboration, and ultimately makes your work stronger. By cultivating a healthy relationship with feedback, you’ll not only improve as a designer but also develop resilience, adaptability, and confidence in your creative process. The secret to growth lies not in avoiding critique but in welcoming it with curiosity and openness

It’s concluded that if you handle critique feedback with a growth point of view it sets you apart from the crowd by representing you as a person who can evolve. Always remember a great designer is the one who gives value to the critique comments.

This is an article well worth reading, lets know what you think in the comments.