ARTICLE SUMMARY: When you talk about Design Thinking you’re talking about a philosophy of problem solving that has its origins in the early to mid 20th century.

At its core it doesn’t matter what the problem is design will give you a solution. Some people believe that skill, training, experience, talent — none of it matters. You just have to believe in Design Thinking, and you can become a designer today. Of course, these are not true. But they are dangerously close to the truth of how Design Thinking is perceived.

The Story of Design Thinking” by Anup Kotur takes a look at how Design Thinking came about, what it is and how it benefits designers in any business. He looks at

  • The Philosophy of Design Thinking
  • The Process of Design Thinking
  • The Religion of Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a method for innovation emphasizing the importance of empathy, collaboration and experimentation to solve complex problems. Design thinking has been applied across diverse industries, including technology, healthcare, education, and social innovation. Emphasis is placed on taking tangible steps towards solutions rather than getting stuck in analysis paralysis.

The origin of design thinking is a rich tapestry woven from the influences of industrial design, architecture, psychology, and business management. It represents a shift from a focus solely on aesthetics to a more holistic approach that prioritizes human needs, iterative problem-solving, and collaboration.

This article is very informative and well worth reading.

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