ARTICLE SUMMERY: The Hamburger Menu created in 1981 by Norm Cox, and as of late has been a source of some controversy.

10 pros and cons of the hamburger menu (with examples)” is a look into the history and original intention of the Hamburger Menu and how it has fallen out of favor with some designers.

Tony Ho Tran lays out the arguments for and against the use of the Hamburger Menu in great detail. On the plus side you have

  • Recognizable
  • It Is Clean
  • Provides Secondary Access

On the minus side you have

  • Makes Pages Less Important
  • Low Engagement
  • Inefficient

In an effort to help you decide when and when not to use the Hamburger Menu Tony Ho Tran has given you plenty of examples to help you make that decision.

As a designer, where do you fall on this issue, let us know what you think in the comments.