ARTICLE SUMMARY: Whether its snail mail, email or a visit to the website, what’s the first thing you usually see? The logo prominently displayed so you know who you’re dealing with. Basically logos are the first introduction to your brand.

Your logo is your business’ first point of contact with the outside world so you need a design that will differentiate you from the rest of your competition, something that will make you stand out from the rest of the pack.

15 GOLDEN RULES FOR CRAFTING LOGOS” by Nick Carson and David Airey gives you the road map you need to make a logo that will catch the eye of your intended audience and pique their interest enough for people to stay and check out your website.

There is a lot to consider when designing a logo and Nick Carson and David Airey have compiled a list of rules to help you. Some of the things to you should be doing are

  • Laying the groundwork
  • Keeping it appropriate
  • Consider how to bring it alive

Our goal as designers is to create that logo that will give us a chance to stand out in today’s global marketplace. A logo that will give instant recognition of what you are and what you stand for. When we design logos we need to give it our best, to give anything less would be a disservice to ourselves and our clients. These rules will help us do that.

Whether a beginning or seasoned designer this article is well worth reading and is a great resource to have on hand.

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