ARTICLE SUMMARY: To all the new designers, welcome to the world of UI/UX design.

When it comes to design the old saying “it’s a great life if you don’t weaken” comes to mind. Like anything else when starting out it seems daunting and that maybe you made a mistake.

The fact is you are a creative and you know that feeling of doubt will pass. You were born to design and you love a good challenge.

To help you on your journey to become an accomplished designer Marc Andrew wrote “6 Helpful tips for any new designer to follow” in an effort to help you grow as a designer. Some of those tips include

  • Why your creativity is far more important than the design tool you choose
  • Be a more confident designer by never comparing yourself to others
  • Don’t ever devalue yourself as a designer

Anyone can become a designer, but to be good you have to WANT to be a designer. You’ve got to have a true passion for it, each and everyday, and strive to be the very best that you can be. No shortcuts.

As Marc writes, “Don’t be discouraged on your journey, learn, improve, know where you want to head towards in your career and take all the steps necessary to get there, be that by being inspired by other designers’ work, making relationships within the community, reading (yeah reading a lot), and just getting away from that screen sometimes and soaking up the world around you.”

We hope this article helps you on your road to becoming the designer you want to be.

Let us know what you think in the comments.