ARTICLE SUMMARY: As web designers we know how important SEO is. We know the higher position in the search results in any search engine the better your chances of selling your product or service.

This is where internal links come in and help move your page into a better position. Internal links are the highways of a website, Without them, it’s nearly impossible for a visitor to get around—or for search engines to direct visitors there in the first place. 

In Lindsay Pieteroluongo‘s article “Do Internal Links Help SEO? Yes! Here’s How and Why” she discusses in great detail why these intern links are so important to the success of your website. Lindsay helps us understand

  • What Are Internal Links
  • Internal Links vs. External Links vs. Backlinks
  • Internal Links SEO and Content

She also gives instruction on how to structure your site for improved SEO where she discusses

  • The Homepage
  • The Pyramid Structure
  • Internal Links SEO: Cornerstone Content vs. Supporting Content

Lindsay also warns us that technology is a wonderful thing, but trusting it to run flawlessly 100% of the time is a mistake. It takes time to test and repair web forms, but keeping them healthy will end up saving you and your team a lot of time in the long run.

There is a lot of good information and instruction for old and new web designers alike and well worth reading.

Let us know what you think in the comments.