ARTICLE SUMMERY: On your website, letter head, promo materials, emails and social media pages what is the first thing you want people to see? Your logo. You want to make sure your logo is remembered for all the right reasons.

HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST FONTS FOR LOGOS” was written to help guide you through the process of creating your logo and selecting the appropriate type.

B.J. Keaton goes through a laundry list of considerations you must take into account when creating a logo that will help you or your clients brand stand out for all the right reasons

  • Consider Your Brand’s Identity and Personality
  • Keep Things Legible
  • Don’t Get Flashy

When creating a logo graphic design aesthetics count, as B.J. Keaton says, “Taking the time to make an informed choice about what the world sees first about your brand will return dividends over time. Just think, a few extra minutes staring at serif length could be the difference in landing that big client.”

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