ARTICLE SUMMARY: Because your logo is the first thing potential clients and their customers see it is one of the top items to pay attention to when starting the branding and design process.

A strong logo will deliver your brand’s message, but, without a strategy designing a logo that will help you stand out from the competition just gets harder and success a little more elusive.

How to develop a killer logo strategy” by Nick Carson gives you the strategy you need to create a logo that will be easily recognized and remembered. Part of the process is

  • Understanding your competition
  • Asking the right questions
  • Respecting a brand’s heritage

While a logo is part of the branding process, it is a significant part and should never be rushed during development.

When designing a logo we must keep in mind to stay versatile and flexible, and consider how the logo interacts with the rest of the brand experience, from packaging to tone of voice.

We hope this article is a help to you, let us know what you think in the comments.