ARTICLE SUMMERY: You or your client have a product or service to sell, you create a top notch website and wait for the orders to come rolling in. There are a lot of visits to the website but way to little sales in comparison to the amount of visits you have received.

To help you avoid this Haley Walden has written “HOW TO FIND YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE” to help you reach the clients who are most likely to be interested in your product or service. Knowing your target audience is important to your brand in order to deliver any communication that is relevant to them, their interests, and their needs.

Haley Walden tells us some of the top ways to identify your target audience is to

  • Dig Into Your Data
  • Create a Buyer Persona
  • Study Your Competition
  • Practice Social Listening

Haley concludes by telling us by doing your research, analysis, and staying in tune with your marketing channels will help you not only to identify your audience, but to keep your finger on the pulse of their activity.

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