ARTICLE SUMMARY: We live in a scary age where “knowledge is power” has never been truer. As the old saying goes, “With great power comes great responsibility”.

It’s no secret that big tech is collecting huge amounts of personal data and using cunning algorithms with the sole intention of getting us addicted to their digital products.

In this high tech era there are a lot of grey areas to think about when designing. “The Digital Ethics Compass” is here to help you ask the right ethical questions to avoid the most common design mistakes, like

  • Manipulation
  • Playing with negative emotions
  • Automation

Wanting to design the best possible solution is understandable, but in that pursuit of digital solutions there can be unintended consequences. Sometimes we need help in discerning what is and what isn’t acceptable in our designs and how those designs work.

In our life and work our integrity is important, our reputation speaks volumes about us to our friends and clients alike. Integrity is one of the foundations most of our relationships are built on and needs constant protection, sometimes even form ourselves.

This is a great article that will help you do that. This is a great tool to have handy and on the top shelf of your toolbox for a quick reference when we need that clarification.

Let us know what you think in the comments.