ARTICLE SUMMARY: Of all the disabilities in the world today that designers should take into consideration when designing websites color blindness is at the top of the list. When it comes to UX design we should make it a priority to give everyone the best possible experience when checking out our websites.

THE UX OF AMONG US: THE IMPORTANCE OF COLORBLIND-FRIENDLY DESIGN” by Unma Desai gives us a walk through on the types of color blindness that there is and how each one affects the sight of the person who has it.

Along with the specific details on each type of color blindness that affects the person you also get suggestions on how to design to help those affected get the best user experience possible.

The article also contains links to help designers be more color blind friendly in their design.

As designers we should strive to be more inclusive in all we design. This is a very informative article that should be read by all.

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