ARTICLE SUMMARY: When it comes to building a brand there are a lot of people out there who think you whip up a logo and possibly a few catch phrases and your good to go.

Designers and brand consultants know nothing could be further from the truth. Researching, building a website, testing, that’s just the beginning.

Now that your business is up and running you need to work on your brand itself.

That’s where “12 Principles For Building Successful Brands” by Larry Light comes in. To build and keep your brand improving he suggests

  • Do Know The Business In Which You Do Business
  • Do Create And Deliver Your Brand-Business’ Brand Promise
  • Don’t Be Complacent

Considering today’s global economy we need to do all we can to keep our brand moving forward and constantly improving. While your brand may start out like gang busters, in this economy if you stagnate you will be left behind by your competition.

In this unstable economy nobody can predict the future of marketing, but with Larry Light‘s list we can prepare by futureproofing our brands.

This list of do’s and don’ts will help you form a strategy for enduring and profitable growth.

Let us know what you think in the comments.