ARTICLE SUMMARY: It’s scary out there in the digital world. It’s like the Wild West, but now it’s world wide and in every home and business.

As modern technologies continue to increase ethical dilemmas for companies and designers we need to ask ourselves, are we designing something helpful or is it actually intrusive? 

The ABCs of ethical design” delves into what to watch out for and how to avoid designing unethically. Not all unethical design is intentional and we need to be aware of what and how we are designing to avoid innocent mistakes. Designers need to look at

  • The duality of design
  • The framework for systemic change
  • How designers can lead the change

As designers, it is our responsibility to advocate for our users and their best interests. We need to be mindful of dark interaction patterns and prevent them from creeping into our designs.

The goal in following the ABCs of ethical design is to create products and experiences that prioritize the well-being of users and society while minimizing negative impacts on the environment.

Ethical design fosters trust, enhances user satisfaction, and contributes positively to the broader community.

This is a great article for all designers and well worth reading.

Let us know what you think in the comments.

The ABCs of ethical design” delves into what to watch out for and how to avoid designing unethically. Not all unethical design is intentional and we need to be aware of what and how we are designing. Designers need to look at